Programming and Music

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Note: This site hasn't been updated in years

I'm a fond music enthusiast as well as an aspiring developer.

My favorite album is Melodrama and I'm currently learning c++

Recommendations for albums:


Why Only Do One Thing?

Why only do one thing when you could do a multiple things at the same time? I'm not referring to projects or anything, I'm just referring to how it should be possible to do multiple menial tasks at the same time, and not be crippled to only do one. Like say flipping between a movie and the html for the website. Why can't I decide that I've done enough of the complaints and continue with something else?

To add onto that, if I forced myself to work on the website it would ruin it for me. Nothings good if you don't take breaks, they're necessary to make things bearable. I do this website by thinking about a concept, and then ranting about it. I don't sit at a desk and bash my head until ideas come out. And I don't force myself to post every week. What good does posting at a frequent time do if it makes me run out of ideas. Because of this, I have to take breaks.

So why should you, the reader, do this too? Sometimes you do have to focus, maybe on a project, or maybe on a book, but why do something exclusively? Why treat a gift as a liability? And finally, if you have to force yourself to do something, should you even be doing it?


Someone annoyed by too much focus

Hulu Ads

Hulu ads are the most random thing on the platform. They don't follow the time that's made for commercials, they just go out of nowhere. They aren't even consistent; Sometimes they'll play at certain times, sometimes they won't, and they don't consistentally switch. It's one second, and then suddenly it's an ad. Or, if you don't use a good adblocker, it just shows a black screen for like a minute to a minute and a half.

For example, you're watching a new show. It's an ok to trashy show. You get used to ads playing right after the theme, halfway through, and before the credits. Now the ads do inconsistent osmosis™ and are scattered all over the video, from the order they were in earlier.

Now you're just staring at the computer wondering what happened. But hulu and it's inconsistent ad placement did that. And now that you have ads shoved down your throat, you realize that they show the same three ads for everything you watch. And they show way too many coronavirus based ads by car companies.


Someone who has the Hulu ad plan.


Prezi is terrible. My presentation doesn't have to play twister to look good, it's possible to make it look good without doing all of that, and normal powerpoint transitions are good enough. Google Slides is free, so why would you want to use that should-be-illegal piece of software? It's like making something that could be 2 files into 5 to be more readable. In that case "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" is applied in full. This is relevant to Prezi as well.

Prezi is basically the presentation equivalent of slipping on water. It takes all of the slides across the world and you travel each time to see them. Except you don't have a choice, and it makes a should be simple presentation require a motion sickness warning. And they have the UGLIEST themes ever. They try to make them look like those walls depicted for detectives trying to find a solution. Except you're the string, traumatized and pushed around by your detective superior.

Well overall, they're disgusting. Prezi hurts people, and is just another mistake humanity made. The only solution is to throw it into a time capsule and never open it again. It's a win-win scenario. We don't have to deal with Prezi anymore, and future historians can unearth what it was like to live in the late 2010s, if they want to.


Someone who has a project due on prezi and is suffering.

Broken Chargers

Broken chargers are terrible. They do nothing except serve you a very small paperweight, and they are about as useful as a computer in the year 1440. They just waste a bunch of space in your house, and expect do no good at all.

I have bunnies, so they chew on my cords often. I think once I to went to eat, and then I went to charge my phone and, guess what, BROKEN CHARGER. It happens every once and a while, something that I don't like see, but it's one of the downsides of having bunnies, or any pets.

Note: This is a short post. I just wanted to complain about chargers for a tiny bit. Also this post is not meant to discourage anyone from getting pets, if you manage to do a better job at hiding wires than I can, they props to you.


Someone who's lost too many cords to them breaking

Online School Doesn't Work

Why doesn't online school work? You may be wondering that exact question if you don't have it. Well, it doesn't work because nobody cares. Nobody in actual school cares, but in actual school there are consequences for not doing work. But in online school nothing of the sort happens. You don't get any issues, you just interrupt the learning of people who don't want to fail.

Some people are ok failing. But most people aren't. And those people are limited from passing, because people aren't able to pass with teachers who can't teach, or distractions troubling the environment. For this reason, I think online school doesn't work well, because it doesn't enable the one thing school is supposed to do, teach.

Also it is bad for teachers. With losing the little power over their students they had before school ended, but now the students can annoy the teacher to their hearts content, and although maybe fail their class, it's not like the teacher will drive over to their house and set up detention in their house, they just get to suffer with missbehaving students.


Someone whos school is now online

Hanging Lights

By hanging lights, I'm referring to lights being hung on the roofs of rooms. I was thinking about doing this in my bedroom, but I'm not sure if it's safe. I live in an apartment so I can't put any holes in my walls, so i need hooks to be on the wall but NOT in. I also have an asbestos roof, so I can't put it on the roof without being unsafe.

But it would be a nice thing, other than it being hard to put on. I have one light in the middle of my room. The light has the color of prison light, so white it looks like it reflects back into itself. My rooms wall is a baby blue color, so the warm yellow of the lights looks better on the walls of my room. But, what are the worries then?

I'm worried about the lights falling. If they're not rooted firmly into the roof they might fall onto the floor, and with me sleeping, I would wake up to the sound of dozens of lights falling, maybe some falling on my bed and/or myself. Also, what if one droops? Like they're all uneven and don't look good? Then what's the worth getting it all set up? Anyway I'll say goodbye from the prison light of my bedroom.


Someone with bad lighting

Website Trackers

Website trackers. We've all visited sites with them. Whether it be google analytics, facebook, twitter, or any site, we've all visited sites with them. And in this article I'd like to explain why they shouldn't be on websites. To summarize why they shouldn't, I'll say: They only benefit the companies and have no real benefit to you, they give these big companies information on what you're doing even if you don't use them, and they make it possible to build a profile on you that they will use to make money off of you.

I'll start this off by saying website trackers don't offer anything to your site you couldn't do. The twitter and facebook ones, for example, offer the ability to show your posts on your website. This makes it easier to share content to users of your site, giving them the ability to see your tweets or like your facebook posts. For those you could just make a div with the text linking to your tweet or facebook post, although you won't be able to have viewers like the posts.

Google analytics is a harder thing to tell not to use. Yes, it tracks your data and the websites you visit, but it also benefits the site owner. It makes it easier for the site owner to tell who's visited the site, how many, where, and what those visiters did. Also it helps with sales if you're hosting an e-commerce website. But for a blog or something, that information isn't needed. You don't need to see who visited when and from where. And if you really want to, you can (if your site is self-hosted). You could make a python script to check the access.log file, check how many people visited today, and do an ip to location checker to find out where they're from. But google analytics also uses users data to be google and sell it and make an advertising profile for you.

Also all of these companies use these to build a profile of you. With this information on sites you've visited and what you do, they make an idea of where you live, what your interests are, and how advertisable you are. Advertisability is a big use for these, as they build a profile off of you and this profile is used to figure out what you want. This is how you see ads on youtube that are ads for things you may want to see, and how most sites give you personalized ads.

I would just like to say there is no need for most of these things on a personal website. If you are a company and need this, then I guess you could use it. But if you can get away from it, then try to keep 40 miles away.


Someone who's adblock shows a number too high.


I'm not sure if you reading this have had a nosebleed, but if you have you'll understand this article. Nosebleeds are disgusting and annoying and shouldn't be a thing that happens, but it does. So you're going to blow your nose and your nose decides it was too hard? NOSEBLEED. Have a vitamin defiency? NOSEBLEED. Finally forgot the last time you got a nosebleed. Well sorry, NOSEBLEED.

It's like a waste of time, energy, and space. And it always happens at the worst time. One time I was sitting in the middle of the front row of a movie theater and suddenly, guess what, NOSEBLEED. Luckily I was with someone, and they got me tissues, but like am I supposed to walk, blood and all, over to get some tissues? And not leave blood all over the theater? And walk into the lobby to go to the bathroom?

I also had one while I was trying to get online schoolwork done. That wasn't too disasterous, I just put my head back on a pillow for a couple of minutes. I also had one during an online class. That also wasn't too bad, the teacher wasn't teaching us anything anyway. But a world without nosebleeds would be amazing.


Someone who gets far too many nosebleeds.

Hairless Animals

Doing this as a recommendation, so I don't have as much intent in this post.

Hairless animals look disgusting. They are disgusting. They shouldn't fill this already rotten planet with more rotten stuff. Not to say they should move to mars, just that they don't have a nice look

It's probably how a fluffy dog is supposed to be the perfect pet, because hairless dogs are always depicted as wrong. A hairless pet is hairless because of a bad owner treating their pet wrong and shaving it. Of course there are actual animals that are just hairless, such as chihuahuas (which i'm covering this topic because of). But like tell me a hairless rabbit looks normal. Say it with a straight face.

Back on track, hairless animals don't seem fit. They don't look right. They don't seem to be the same as the other ones, like somethings lost. And that might just be their hair, or it might be something missing because of their hair.


Someone who was recommended to do this

Peace Lilies Requiring Too Much Attention

I'm not sure if you reading this have a peace lily, but if you don't, NEVER get one. They look nice, but they require so much attention. If they don't get watered they basically fake a death to get you to water them, and their leaves droop down and hurt your soul.

And they aren't even near looking like that. If you're going to treat them amazing, at least know they aren't amazing. If there's a bar, then they're like half-way through around bending over trees. And for that value you're treating it like it's worth a billion dollars according to it's own standards.

The person I know who owns one uses an automatic watering pot, and even that doesn't work. It still needs water, even though it should be given water automatically. This is an example of peace lilies requiring too much attention: a self watering pot isn't enough for them. They need special core that no plant should need, ever.


A sibling of a peace lilly owner and complainer

PS: Those two things, complaining and owning a peace lilly, go hand in hand.

Midnight homework is disgusting and should be abolished from the planet

You know exactly what I'm referring to. The homework that's due on midnight on a sunday, or any day. They're useless for and don't deserve the right to exist, as they hurt us all, and the teachers are just laughing going to sleep at 8 PM, because they can.

I mean, what value do they bring. They just add lessons that we don't need, and homeowrk that we shouldn't recieve, just because the teacher can't figure out how to set a due date. It's even worse when it's due the same day it's assigned, like take a break ms. [redacted]. We all have stuff to do and you have your stuff to do, do yours and we'll comment back on ours.

Who even thought of it. Who decided, "oH I'm gOInG to hAVe mY hoMEwOrK dUE aT mIDnIghT." It's disgusting. Sites should block midnight as a date to submit things. Like things can't be submitted from 11 PM to 1 AM (in their respective time zone), so the students can have some peace of mind. And maybe so they can do a little homework in the morning. *shush*


Someone who just tried to sleep and remembered midnight homework he had.

Dreadful Days

I'm referring to the days where the sky is too cloudy, and it's not raining or anything. The days that are useless.

These days are useless. They're disgusting. They don't look good at all and they look disgusting. At least when it rains there's meaning brought to it. It just looks depressing, dreadful even, to look at the sky while it's cloudy. If you're going to do it, do it completely.

It's like if you had a flashlight, and you turned it on. No light came out of it. You checked to see if it was working, and it there was light on the flashlight, but no light was leaving it. Another comparison could be a flower that doesn't except water. When you pour water onto the dirt, the dirt bounces the water off of the dirt and back into the cup it was poured out of.

It's terrible and it should not be legal. The UN should come after clouds that don't want to rain and force the water out of them. We should all scream at the clouds that if you need to cry you should. Support the movement (/s). Maybe it's smog and self-quarantine will make them dissapear. I heard that in Napoli, Italy that the rivers are clear now.


Someone who lives in a too cloudy city.

Why monstera's shouldn't have a place on this planet

Monstera's trigger trypophobia, and shouldn't have to frighten people with it. It could be traumatizing, and although i can't just say they shouldn't exist, they shouldn't be household plants. You can't avoid something at a friends house, or your parents house, so why should you have to suffer with it?

Also they have holes in them and look super unhealthy. I know it is healthy, but it makes you think, "If it dies is it because of the holes?" Also where do these holes come from, and WHY are they healthy? What benefit do they provide to the plant? It seems like they just hurt the plant.

On another, more serious, note, they also are tropical which means they don't know when to be watered. They are painfully hard to water. This is because they are tropical, which means they don't know when they need attention and when they don't. Every day that make that decision, "Am I dry enough to be watered today." It must be a very hard decision to make, because my sister has had one for 2 weeks and a couple of leaves have already died.


A brother of two monstera obsessed sisters

Edit: I was wrong about them not knowing when to be watered. One of the monstera obsessed sisters found this website and lectured me about how amazing monstera's are. She also wanted me to say she has a vivid and alive vine, and one sister has forgot to water it for a week (although to be fair she's always asleep).