Midnight homework is disgusting and should be abolished from the planet

You know exactly what I'm referring to. The homework that's due on midnight on a sunday, or any day. They're useless for and don't deserve the right to exist, as they hurt us all, and the teachers are just laughing going to sleep at 8 PM, because they can.

I mean, what value do they bring. They just add lessons that we don't need, and homeowrk that we shouldn't recieve, just because the teacher can't figure out how to set a due date. It's even worse when it's due the same day it's assigned, like take a break ms. [redacted]. We all have stuff to do and you have your stuff to do, do yours and we'll comment back on ours.

Who even thought of it. Who decided, "oH I'm gOInG to hAVe mY hoMEwOrK dUE aT mIDnIghT." It's disgusting. Sites should block midnight as a date to submit things. Like things can't be submitted from 11 PM to 1 AM (in their respective time zone), so the students can have some peace of mind. And maybe so they can do a little homework in the morning. *shush*


Someone who just tried to sleep and remembered midnight homework he had.